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Goldsby eyes comprehensive plan

Kick-off event June 3

The Purcell Register
Posted 5/23/24

The Town of Goldsby announced the launch of the “Goldsby Legacy, Vision and Purpose” comprehensive plan update.

Town officials said the plan will establish a vision and guide for …

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Goldsby eyes comprehensive plan

Kick-off event June 3


The Town of Goldsby announced the launch of the “Goldsby Legacy, Vision and Purpose” comprehensive plan update.

Town officials said the plan will establish a vision and guide for growth and development in Goldsby over the next 20 years.

They report it is a vital tool for residents, business owners and town leaders to make informed decisions, ensuring future development aligns with the community’s vision.

The Kick-Off Event will be held June 3 at the Goldsby Community Center from 6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. Officials say community participation is crucial to the success of this comprehensive plan.

The planning process will create numerous opportunities for residents to share their ideas and insights. They invite all Goldsby residents to join them for the kick-off event to learn more about the process and how citizens can get involved.

At the kick-off event, attendees will have the opportunity to:

• Learn about the comprehensive plan update process

• Participate in initial discussions about Goldsby's future

• Discover how they can contribute through surveys, events, and advisory committee meetings

Get Involved: Shape the Future of Goldsby

The planning process is designed to gather input from residents to develop a vision for the future and create a guide for achieving this vision. There are additional ways to get involved.

Surveys: Share your thoughts and ideas through surveys that will be available throughout the planning process. The survey opens June 3  and a link to the project website and survey will be available on the Town of Goldsby’s website (https://www.townofgoldsby.com/)

Stay Informed: Keep an eye out for updates on the process and more opportunities to engage.

They hope to create a comprehensive plan that reflects the community’s needs and aspirations.

They look forward to seeing stakeholders at the kick-off event and hearing your valuable input.


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